Participate in a small 1st trial to help us show government what it could look like: 2 weeks left to provide views and comments on the 1st Irish OGP Action Plan! Open Knowledge Ireland are piloting a more transparent and open way of providing feedback and input to the OGP Action Plan that was recently published […]
Open Government Partnership – Minister Publishes Ireland’s Draft National Action Plan
Draft OGP National Action Plan 06-05-14 – Tell us What you Think in the Comment section below. by Open Knowledge Ireland
Open Letter Addressed to Minister Brendan Howlin asking to commit to dropping FOI/AIE fees as part of Ireland’s 1st OGP Action Plan
Signatories at the bottom Why Now: The Minister is talking about the Freedom of Information Bill but not about fees. The OGP Action Plan provides a new opportunity but it is being dismissed. The Opportunity This Open Letter highlights the opportunity that the Government has as part of the OGP Action Plan and its […]
Weekly Round-Up 31/3/2014
What happened in the OKF Ireland world last week you ask? Where do we fit in the Irish open data, transparency, accountability and citizen participation debate? – You have come to the right place to find out. We are trialing a new form of weekly updates where we aim to keep you posted and highlight […]
OGP Action Plan: Meetings with Departments of Justice and Environment
As we are continuing our work to collaborate on drafting Ireland’s 1st OGP Action Plan in a Joint Working Group the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform D/PER has helped us to set up 2 meetings with members of civil society and officials from the Department of Justice and the Department of the Environment, Community and […]
International Open Data Day Ireland – RoundUp (#ODD14)
In Ireland Open Data Day was celebrated on February 22nd 2014 in Dublin with work on 4 open data and civic projects. Around 70 people – data wranglers, coders, activists, civil society representatives and interested citizens – volunteered their time and participated actively in the different projects. The event took place from 10am – 7pm so we got a […]
22/2/2014 – International Open Data Day
Sign-Up: 22/2/2014 – International Open Data Day What will it look like you ask? – Some pictures from an Open Data Hackathon we held last September. This Feb. 22nd Open Knowledge Foundation are organizing a book sprint to create an open source and free to use textbook for schools that will help kids get coding […]
1st Irish OGP Action Plan – 1st meeting between civil society and the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform
On Thursday, 6th Feb. 2014, representatives of three civil society organisations, citizens and the Open Knowledge Foundation Ireland met with William Beausang, Head of Government Reform Unit and three of his colleagues from the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform to further develop Ireland’s plan for open government. The meeting took place in the government rooms in […]
For the 1st Open Data Ireland Meetup in 2014 (Meetup #12) which took place last Thursday 23rd January the OKF Ireland Team traveled to Cork, sparking the first Open Data Ireland Event outside Dublin. The event took place at University College Cork which kindly offered to host the meetup where everyone had a chance to catch up […]
Government data still not open enough – new survey on eve of London summit
Open Data Index provides first major assessment of state of open government data In the week of a major international summit on government transparency in London, the Open Knowledge Foundation has published its 2013 Open Data Index, showing that governments are still not providing enough information in an accessible form to their citizens and […]